Minister of Defense Kishi admits to relationship with Unification Church, accepting election help from them (Japanese Article)

Minister of Defense Kishi admits to relationship with Unification Church, accepting election help from them (Japanese Article)

  1. Edit: Now there’s an [English article (The Mainichi)](

    Japanese article translation:

    > On July 26, Minister of Defense Kishi stated in relation to the former Unification Church, “I have a relationship with the former Unification Church, and they have helped me with my election.
    > In response to a question about his involvement with the former Unification Church, Minister of Defense Kishi said at a press conference on July 26, “I have a relationship with the Unification Church, and they have helped me with my election.
    > On the other hand, he said, “I don’t think they have helped me in the form of campaign staff specifically. I don’t know specifically, but I think there have been phone operations (to call for votes), and I think there have been cases where they have helped us as volunteers,” he said.
    > He was then asked if he would have former Unification Church officials assist him in future elections. “It is only in the form of volunteers, so I cannot answer what will happen in the next election,” he said, noting, “I think it is necessary to gather a large number of supporters because it is an election. Minister of Defense Kishi is the brother of former Prime Minister Abe, who was shot and killed.

    Alternate source with video:

    > [From Fuji TV: Abe’s brother, Defense Minister Kishi Nobuo sought support from the UC, used UC campaign volunteers, and sees no problem with it. Also: National Public Safety Commission chairman Ninoyu Satoshi participated in UC events in 2018.](

  2. I love the last part

    “as long they are doing free work at their own volition *wink wink* then I don’t plan to refuse their help”

  3. Are you guts worried that the same people that got you into a world war have had kids and those kids are all in the same positions their forefathers were?

    It seems like huge red flags to me, as an outsider

  4. Abe’s brother. For some weird reason he uses a different name. I wonder what prompted him to admit this? They’re all snakes so there must be an underlying reason.

  5. We can appreciate his honesty I guess? It’s not everyday that you see a man admitting that his brother’s killer’s allegations were correct.

  6. It’s not just the Unification Church. Nippon Kaigi is a fascist lobbyist cult they all belong to. The only reason Kishida is PM is because they made a deal with Abe to get more Nippon Kaigi members into the Diet.


  7. Trump stood with Abe at one of their events to trick even more Japanese into giving up their family money!! Like he did here with the evangelical Christian people, here in the US. Please don’t let your parents fall for the same religious schemes these Americans did.

  8. And then you consider that the UC is extremely right-wing and pro-military, and one wonders how much the policies have shifted because of the UC….

  9. This comes as no surprise considering his grandfather Kishi Nobusuke is considered to be the starting point of the Church’s dealings within Japanese politics. The interesting point here is the confrontational stance that he is taking: “Yes I do have links with them, but what are you going to do about it?” He probably knows he is untouchable due to his lineage, by being Abe’s blood brother, Kishi’s grandson and family name keeper.

  10. The hypocrisy is unreal though, bunch of right wing nationalists politicians being paid of by a Korean cult with connections to the Korean intelligence agencies.

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