Moving to Saitama-shi next year and would like to know some recommended places to shop.

I’m moving to Saitama next March for work. While I could hop on the Saikyo line to Tokyo I have no idea where in Saitama I could shop. I’ve only been to Saitama once for the job interview and its in the inaka. There’s a supermarket near where I’m planning on moving but are there places to just hang out, have fun and shop?

  1. Musashi Urawa is fine for getting drinks and walking north to Besshonuma Park (itself actually next to Naka Urawa) or Urawa proper; otherwise just go up to Omiya. Kita Urawa has a giant Aeon nearby, Yono-honmachi is where you’ll go for Immigration and probably nothing else; Minami Yono has very little to appeal but is close to enjoyable-to-walk through Kita Urawa.

    Omiya may or may not have what you’re looking for.

    Alternately, take the Mushashino line ten minutes eat and you’re at Laketown, another few and it’s time to go to the most international place in all of Saitama, I’m speaking of course of Costco.

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