Basic Thank You Letter

Hi! I am wondering if anyone can help me out with writing a basic thank you letter for an employer. I have been working for a Japanese family at a restaurant and it feel very grateful for how much I learned from them. I will be writing a letter in English, but I would like to try to do me best to write a little something in Japanese. I am a very beginner learner, just taking my first official 101 class now, but I still want to do my best with what I know. Any help is appreciated!

  1. I would just go with a simple ありがとうございます (thank you) or どうもありがとうございます (thank you very much). Or if you want to level up a little bit いつも有難うございます (thank you for everything).

  2. 在職中は、大変お世話になりまして、本当に
    有難う存じました。ご隆盛をご祈念申し上げます。(Y’all were great when I worked here, thanks a bunch! Good luck)

    I would suggest you throw in some personal touches.

    1. any time someone has helped you resolve a crisis, or said something that was a great inspiration to you.
    2. what was great about their product/food/service
    3. what this experience has helped you achieve (e.g. be more responsible, be more out-going, get to learn more about them on a personal level)
    4. maybe draw a simple picture or attach a photo/instax

    reference: [](

  3. I’d keep it simple and not be too formal.

    Especially if you’re an early learner, you want it to sound like you wrote it, ultimately 😊

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