Crunch Time – Preparing for N4

As a result of my poor planning and overly optimistic outlook on my time management skills, I find myself 3 weeks out from the JLPT with a, shall we say… “deficient” study plan. When I registered back in August, I thought it would be no problem to study the language on top of the full course load I’m taking. In my defense, one of those IS a Japanese class… but it’s a culture class and there is way less focus on language than I expected. I’m still confident that N4 is the correct level for me, but I’m feeling a little rusty and getting anxious about the timeline. What are some resources you recommend for a quick crash course/refresher?

Tl;dr: Overestimated myself and now I need some N4 study resources for the next 3 weeks.

  1. I’m also doing the N4 in December and here’s what I’ve been finding useful.

    This site has *plenty* of material formatted like the JLPT – []( (all JLPT levels)

    This game is fun but has quite a few extra kanji – []( (all JLPT levels)

    I’d also recommend just doing good old practice exams – [](

    Hopefully this helps, and good luck with your study!

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