English cook books recommendations that use ingredients commonly found in Japan?

I don’t know how to cook very well, so would like to start using cookbooks. What are your go to cookbooks that use every day Japanese items? I don’t have an oven in my home, but I have gas stove and a pressure cooker.


  1. Allow me to be that guy:

    Language used in cookbooks is always simple and direct. Why not just get a regular Japanese cookbook and use this as a way to both learn to cook and learn Japanese at the same time? All of the cookbooks here are going to use recipes based on ingredients that are easy to find. Just go to a book store, start picking up books and flip through them and get one that has the most pictures of stuff that you would be interested in eating.

  2. Try to find Japanese-English cook books, they have same recipe in both languages. It’ll help you to pick up Japanese cooking lingo and then tackle websites like cookpad.

    Some old titles, I’m sure there must be newer versions

    These two are pretty basic –
    Japanese Family Style Recipies by H.Urakami
    and 100 Recipes from Japanese Cooking by K.Hata and K.Kondo

    These are with photos and more notes about cooking and ingredients

    Traditional Japanese Recipe Book with English Translation by T.Saito and R.Simoes

    Recipes of Japanese Cooking by Y. Fujita

    There’s more out there. Maybe check out your local library, they may have these or similar books in stock, or they’ll definitely have Japanese cook books and magazines you could borrow.

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