Relax, Japanese Tourism Is Not Becoming Like North Korea

Relax, Japanese Tourism Is Not Becoming Like North Korea

  1. So… Do these foreign correspondents with their cushy “not in a war zone” postings literally sit on Reddit looking for story ideas?

  2. > Some might think Tokyo a laggard, still living in the pandemic era while other countries with looser policies have defeated Covid: If that’s true, it’s only been through massive sacrifice that elderly Japan will not countenance.

    No country has defeated covid, most countries have just decided that omicron isn’t dangerous enough to treat seriously. If you check out the stats , European countries with a third of the population of Japan are getting two or three times the number of daily infections. Other places like the US don’t even really track it anymore. Still plenty of people dying from it.

    And before everyone jumps on my balls about it, I think Japan should re open for tourism, it’s good for the economy. Just don’t be surprised when we start hearing stories of hospitals getting busy again because of foreign tourists getting sick and needing medical attention.

    > Japan and its wonders will still be here when the borders reopen; just don’t expect the Mario Karts to be.

    Fucking amen to that

  3. What a nonsense piece. Nobody is expecting that this group bullshit is staying for eternity.

    The Japanese approach is just ridiculous when places like South Korea, New Zealand or Australia do fine without the charade.

  4. Gearoid is a an odd bird. He posted this opinion on twitter and everyone just roasted him as he got ratioed

  5. This sub: the population crisis and too many old people and Japan will never survive, mass starvation and economic collapse is coming because people won’t have babies and bang their body pillows and there’s too many old people!

    Also this sub: Yes, we are aware this disease and especially this variant almost exclusively affects the elderly on the way our soon regardless, but if we can save just a single elderly life it is worth it. And no, the hell with the children and how they might be growing up, they need to shut the fuck and do what they’re told. If you don’t like school rules then maybe don’t have kids.

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