Does changing ISP provider help with low speeds at night?

Recently during the past weeks, at night, the internet is barely usable for gaming or streaming. On the mornings it’s ok and I have no issues but at night I guess the network gets congested or something. I live in an apartment and tried to get Nuro Hikari before but the required construction wasn’t possible without getting the approval of all neighbors and the landlord.

So I’m thinking of getting Rakuten Hikari even though it is Fletz Hikari, I assume it is way better than my current deal (JCOM “320MB” which doesn’t even get to 24 MB) but I’m a little bit wary of what might be causing these issues and if changing ISPs will really help solve this.

My issue is, if it’s Fletz, I know is not a fiber optic line so I’m not sure if this will help mitigate the current slow speeds I’m getting.

  1. does your ISP offer IPv6?

    Used to have similar problem before, but after switching to IPv6 it’s no longer an issue.
    This usually happened from 9pm till 1am.

  2. We have manshion provided Hikari and personally subscribed Jcom cable internet. Jcom download speed is much faster than Hikari. And, Hikari upload is much faster than Jcom. We switched to Jcom because Hikari was painfully slow in the evening. We don’t game or stream. We couldn’t get Nuro because of some restriction on up to what floor Nuro will support (don’t remember exact details).

  3. Hikari (光) literally means light, and in the internet line conversation means fiber optic in Japan. I don’t know where you got the idea that flets hikari is not fiber optic.

    I’m on Rakuten Hikari. It uses NTT Flets Hikari, and is definitely a fiber optic line. I’m on average getting speeds of 600-800mbps with decent ping and enough for any standard internet usage, including streaming and gaming.

    Here is a [sample speedtest]( taken as I was typing this message – around 10:30pm from tokyo.

    Hope this helps

  4. >My issue is, if it’s Fletz, I know is not a fiber optic line so I’m not sure if this will help mitigate the current slow speeds I’m getting

    Hikari is fiber. It’s just not a dedicated line.

    You still need approval from the landlord for construction. Hopefully they already have it pulled to your building.

  5. Yes. I was using NTT Plala back when I had Hikari TV because I got a discount. After the pandemic hit and everyone was staying home at night and using the Internet my speeds became so slow that I sometimes couldn’t watch Netflix. I dumped Plala for a regional provider and my Internet speed skyrocketed compared to Plala.

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