20 weeks pregnant in Japan

Hello all! Is it common for doctors to perform a pelvic examination at 20 weeks of pregnancy? I was of the opinion that this is usually done much later around 35 weeks. But is this routine procedure in Japan? Thanks in advance for your answers.

  1. Yes, I had them frequently in the last few weeks of pregnancy. I also had pelvic ultrasounds regularly from the start. At least 1-2 times a month depending on how far a long I was.

  2. I don’t know. But I am aware that some things depend on the age of the mother. So you might want to add your age bracket to get a good answer.

  3. Yes. Also usual for doctors not to explain much of anything at all during examinations. Make sure you stop them and ask questions when necessary!

  4. Yep, my wife would go in all the time for ultrasounds even though nothing was off. They gave her a little book too for the whole procedure and journaling. Really nice hospital in Setagaya

  5. I had a sore throat the other week so I went to the doctor in Shinjuku.
    After examining my throat he said that it was just a minor infection, then told me I could put my pants back on.

  6. That does not seem normal at all! Ultrasounds or scans were done at every appointment. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by a pelvic exam though..
    I had cervical checks in the last month of pregnancy, I can’t think of anything I had that I would call a pelvic check though..

  7. They also do untrasounds pretty much every visit. In the states we has iirc 2, one to look for sex and the other to check development.

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