Is NOVA ghosting me or is not getting a response to my acceptance offer email normal?

I applied, interviewed for, and received a job offer for NOVA back in October. I emailed my acceptance of their offer the next day and have not heard from them since. I still went ahead and mailed in my forms and such for the COE despite not hearing back just to make sure I mailed them in for the deadline.

My package tracker says that the paperwork reached their address. I still did not receive word back despite sending yet another email. Is this normal? I feel lost without at least one confirmation response. I want to reach out to them over the phone but I’m not sure if the number in the email is the correct one to call for this sort of manner. . . Does anyone currently employed at NOVA know if there is a secondary way to reach them? I can’t seem to find a helpline . . . It also seems that all NOVA staff that have emailed me are using the same address so I have no clue how to reach any specific person . . .

I’m sure that they are really busy over there at the moment but they have been so unresponsive it makes me nervous, is this a normal occurrence? Has anyone also recently been accepted into the company and is facing similar circumstances or is it just me? I’m worried my emails might be getting sent to their spam somehow. Sorry if I am posting this question in the wrong place or if this question isn’t relevant, I am still new to Reddit and this situation has been really stressing me out. I would appreciate any advice! Please let me know if I should be asking this in a different thread. . .

  1. I mean given their lack of professionalism in their correspondence, is this really the company you want to work for or are you just looking for an easy visa?

  2. If you see my other post in r/movingtojapan, we are in the same boat. I was hired in October as well, got nothing but a COE in the mail (applied in Sept, got the COE in late Oct.). From what others commented on my post, people who were hired before us (were to be the December arrival group) were sent emails explaining what was happening, but anyone else was not sent anything (meaning you and I). I tried reaching them several different ways as well with no response. I think they just have too many people right now in line to get in to Japan with them and just haven’t told us anything expecting us to just assume more news is coming once we are able to get into the country. Just hang tight:)

  3. Eikaiwa can’t import their labor due to the visa freeze and have a long backlog of people that were dumb enough to accept their shitty contracts. Them not contacting you is a good thing, you are being saved from being exploited.

  4. They aren’t answering because they have no way of getting you into Japan right now. They have, however, continued to recruit regardless of knowing this, so they now have a backlog of applicants they can’t import. But they want to keep all of you hanging on, just in case the borders open, so they are just going to keep you there in limbo. They have that privilege because they know that you guys are so freaking eager to be in Japan that you will put up with it.

    Look, these eikaiwa chains are the shittiest, most low-level jobs imaginable. I’m sure you have heard of how Amazon treats the people who work in their warehouses – it’s the same thing. They hire in droves, treat people like cattle, and when those quit, they replace them.

    Sorry, but you have no real value to them and they aren’t going to go out of their way to respond just for you – they have a few hundred others just like you waiting in the wings, and since they know you’ll all stand around with your thumbs up your butts waiting for them to reply, they don’t feel any pressing need to let you know what’s going on.

    If you want to come to Japan to travel, do it on your own. It’s an easy country to get around in, and very much worth the visit.

    If you want to teach English, then take the time to get a qualification and teach in a country that has higher standards than “a four year degree in anything and a heartbeat.”

    If you only want to teach English so you can be in Japan, and want to so badly that you stubbornly won’t listen to anything anyone here is telling you about how shitty these low-level jobs are, then, well, bend over, brother, ’cause Nova has only just begun to fuck you.

  5. Borders are closed indefinitely. Don’t expect a response from them until there is news of the borders opening. They are super unprofessional. Apply to all of the eikaiwas and weigh out the benefits of the ones you get accepted to. Nova really is the bottom of the barrel.

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