Question about the requirements of obtaining a working visa

I’m currently living in japan with a working holiday visa and trying to find a job.
My goal was to find a job that would sponsor a working visa so I can stay here in the future.
I’m confused about the requirements for a working visa and honestly not sure that if I were to find a job, that I would fulfill the requirements.

Here’s some information about me:
I’m originally from germany, 24 years old, I do not have a bachelors degree.
I have 3 years of work experience in germany, a TOEIC score of 990 and japanese N2 level.

If I found a job/sponsor, would I fulfill the requirements for a working visa?

  1. You need a degree. Look at the ISA website.

    The WHV is less rigorous, because it is primarily for you to have a nice time, spend money, and then go home again.

  2. What’s confusing you?

    >Here’s some information about me: I’m originally from germany, 24 years old, I do not have a bachelors degree. I have 3 years of work experience in germany, a TOEIC score of 990 and japanese N2 level.

    You don’t qualify for a work visa until you get a degree. It’s all very clearly spelled out on the immigration website.

  3. Yeah, having a degree is very important if you don’t have enough working experience.
    I got my working visa a few months ago but it took some time because I had to wait for my university to issue my bachelor’s degree certificate. Immigration showed me a list of the requirements and the bachelor’s degree certificate was the only one missing.

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