Employer won’t really help with Specialist in Humanities visa renewal—what exactly do I need from them?

I’m applying to renew my Specialist in Humanities visa soon (like ASAP), but my employer won’t help me figure out what exactly I need for my application.

They’ve given me an official signed document stating I’m an employee, but that’s about it. I have that, and my contract, and I can provide paystubs and any ID needed. That’s all I’ve got now.

It seems the HR department is willing to provide me with more, but I have to tell them exactly what I need.

What exactly do I need from them? [MOFA’s requirements for my type of visa](https://www.isa.go.jp/en/applications/procedures/nyuukokukanri07_00095.html) are quite vague—I can’t even tell what category my employer (or is that myself?) would fall under (what the hell is a ‘special corporation’ or ‘government-authorized corporation’?). Or maybe I’m just dumb.

Any help would be appreciated!

**edit: to be clear, since some are suggesting I just show HR the immigration page and tell them to do it for me:** they explicitly stated that they won’t do any work on my behalf to help with my visa process, but will provide any documents I need if I tell them. Yes it’s shitty, and they suck, but they really don’t have any obligation to do any of the legwork for me.

  1. Why don’t you show the Japanese page of immigration website to the dumb fucks in HR and ask them to figure it out ?

  2. You can go to immigration and submit a partial application. They’ll tell you (at the counter or by mail) if you’re missing anything. If that happens, take that list and show it to HR.

  3. I second showing HR the Japanese version of the page.

    They should know their status so you can figure out what catergory you’re under.

    Waiting for immigration to tell you what you need just makes it take more time.

  4. Sorry to hear your company is not cooperative at all. (Really, they hire a foreigner, at least they should have the humility to try to support us)

    You can try to find what category your company is. I mean at least you do know if whether your company is listed on the stock exchange right (category 1)?

    If not, then you probably need 前年分の職員の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表 from the company (cat 3). You can try to ask HR for this, mind you that this is a sensitive documents (it shows the company’s salary payment). HR might not be willing to share to you. In that case you can tell HR to send them to the immigration themself after you apply to the immigration.

  5. In theory, you only need the official application form + some supporting documents. For work visas, half of it is filled by you, the other half by your employer. They can be found at the link below.


    You should go download the application and send it to your HR to fill out. When I renewed my work visa, I used the application under item 8 because my zairyu card had the words 技術・人文知識・国際業務 printed on it.

    8  【研究】・【技術・人文知識・国際業務】・【技能】・【特定活動(研究活動等)】・【介護】・【特定活動(本邦大学卒業者)】


    Get that filled out then turn in proof of employment and any other documentation you have in regards to your job.

  6. If you are in Japan and showing them a MOFA page you are doing it wrong. MOFA facilitates getting a visa outside of Japan. For that it is probably necessary for the employer to do extra things. For renewal they just need to give you whatever documents you need. Anyways, find an Immigration Agency page, at least.

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