The Reddit ad

I fucking hate it. It’s the single most annoying ad I’ve ever seen and I keep seeing it in my feed every day without fail. Why isn’t there a way to turn this off? fire whoever made that ad and that idiot in the ad itself. I don’t want to see the ugly inside of his nose on a daily basis.

  1. As a woman that guy gives me the creeps. I will definitely not live there.

    I suspect it is the same person who did the Leopalace ads. Unbelievably cringe.

  2. Thank you for acknowledging this annoying ad.
    There was an j-idol on the beach who did a similar thing (put a 360 phone in her mouth while running on the beach). I imagine he borrowed that idea but the execution is not that good.

  3. I installed AdBlock on Chrome some decade ago and have not even been aware there were ads on Reddit.

  4. The cherry on top is that Village House is a pretty shitty company. I would avoid at all costs.

  5. Oh, that was an ad. Yeah, I’ve scrolled past it, but there are others I find worse. I wonder how the cupcake company named after a dog breed is doing.

  6. It’s crazy how skilled Japanese advertisements are at *dissuading* me from using a product. I mean, most advertisements have that effect to some degree, but Japanese ones are on whole other level.

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