Difference between Student Insurance Plan and National Health Insurance?

Hey everyone.

So, I just received my COE, COA and Fee Invoice on my Gmail, from a language school I applied for in Tokyo.

They are asking for a full 1 year payment of tuition fee in that invoice. Also, it includes a Student insurance plan of 12000 Yen. And according to the school, it does not includes the national health insurance. And they said, “You need to enrol in national insurance plan by yourself. After that, we are only going to cover remaining 30%.”

Is this valid/legal?

1 comment
  1. I’m surprised that the first you’re hearing of their policy surrounding this supplemental insurance is via an invoice. You’d think it would have come up before going through the CoE process.

    On its surface it sounds reasonable to me. You’re required by law to enroll in the National Insurance plan, which has a 30% deductible. So the supplemental insurance covers that deductible and if anything happens you’re not on the hook for anything.

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