Is my method good or no ?


So I started learning Japanese since 3 weeks ago, my only goal is to be able to read manga/anime at 80% in 2 years, I can spend 4h per day.

My method is simple, i pick 10 vocabulary from jlpt5 every day and when I learn new word I search a sentence with it then I put it in audio, the thing is from the example sentence the new kanjis are not from jlpt5, and sometime I remember and sometime with a lot of line i dont, I learn a lot better with that than just the word alone but the problem is how to incorporate the beginner kanji and the kanji from sentence, i’m afraid that in the future I confuse myself and forgot all.

What should i do ?

(sorry for my english)

  1. Textbooks. They exist for a reason. A good textbook will introduce materials in a manageable way to get you reading and understanding quickly. I think you could easily complete your goal in a short time than you state here with a good set of books.

  2. If you do not want to search for sentences yourself, you can check it’s a flashcard website, you can create custom deck if you want .

    You can start to learn the words in hiragana and later you can add the kanji version and it will stop reviewing the hiragana version.

  3. Don’t get me wrong, but don’t underestimate the mastery of consistency of your language learning.
    It’s maybe even harder than the Japanese language itself.
    Start slowly, make language learning your habit.
    Don’t study many hours on just one day per week. Study a bit everyday.

  4. I don’t see anything about grammar in here. Words are not enough. You need a balance of language structure learning and vocab. They all reinforce each other, do a little bit of everything as you go.

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