Creepy guy on subway

Hey all. Just had my first unpleasant experience on subway. I went to west side of Tokyo to run some errands tonight and took the Sobu line all the way back to the east side. It took about 10 minutes for the train to depart so my car was pretty empty to begin with.
Then there was this mid-age guy approached me, and sat right next to me, though there were so many seats vacant. He wore a black jacket, blue jeans and held a big stripped paper bag. He sat down very slowly in a weird way, and I began to notice that he sat so closed to me that his arms, legs and shoes were attached to mine.
I instantly felt uncomfortable so I moved my body to the other direction, and then this guy moved with me to make sure his body sticked to mine…It is first time I experienced this, and I am afraid I was overly sensitive and self-conscious, so I didn’t change seat on the spot. Later I moved away several times but that was in vain.
I couldn’t take it anymore so I got off the train, walked a bit and got on a different car with more ppl. I chose a seat next to a girl and a salary man. Then the creepiest thing happened: that weirdo followed me into this new car and was peeking at me…but he might be concerned about the other passengers so he later walked away and I lost sight of him. I don’t speak Japanese good enough so I was panicking and using google translate to edit a text asking for help. Fortunately, that guy didn’t show up the rest of my trip.
Still, I don’t know where he went and I had to look back and forth all the way back home just to make sure no one was stalking me😂And I am editing this because I couldn’t fall asleep lol. I don’t know what was the deal of this creepy creep, and this has been really unpleasant…

  1. Unfortunately this is very common in Japan, it’s called a “Chikan”. The best thing is to confront them, or simply tell someone around you. The train staff will hand them to the police but they will likely flee before you get the chance.

  2. Ugh that sucks. I find one phrase that really helps in situations like this. In your most “ugh, wtf is wrong with you” tone, say “ha? Nannandesuka?!”. It typically works like a charm. I hope you don’t have to use it often, but a good phrase to know.

  3. When not comfortable, feeling violated, just say something, any language.
    This applies whenever, wherever in any public space. Don’t worry about embarrassment, or judgement. Your safety first.
    Other people generally pick up fast what’s going on.

    Respect yourself.

  4. As a mildly ok looking woman who came to japan in my 20’s I learned pretty quick to look in their eyes and say もう叫んでしまいそう

    Chukan men really don’t like a woman who will tell the person next to them what’s going on.

  5. Take video evidence, just say something like “STOP” or “HELP” (in English or whatever)
    Or punch the creeper’s face, just say self defense (nothing else).

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