is it okay to call an ambulance for panic attacks?

Not really sure if what I’ve been experiencing this morning and a few minutes ago were panic attacks. But I couldn’t breath and was contemplating if I should go to the hospital/call an ambulance for it. I wish I was just being dramatic but I literally couldn’t breath all of a sudden. I was just on my ride home, sitting. It lasted for about 2 minutes.

I don’t speak enough Japanese and I’m afraid it might cost me a lot to go to the hospital. I mean, I have an insurance but I’m kinda broke, I live alone, got a family here but we’re not in good terms… I wonder what’s the best thing I could do..

I’m worried I might experience one again later or what if this is something else. I don’t know. Please help.

  1. Mixed results from what i see on the internet, but i have heard breathing into a paper bag helps to calm anxiety attacks and can regulate hyper ventilating.

    Not going to advise you on going to the hospital/clinic but I will say this: NOT going because of a lack of funds is unwise. Hospital/clinic visits rarely cost that much, and you will get peace of mind.

    Wishing you good health.

  2. A panic attack is not life-threatening, so it’s not appropriate to call an ambulance. You should go to a doctor and get checked, though, to make sure you don’t have an underlying medical condition. If you’re worried about your communication ability ask a Japanese friend or coworker to go with you.

  3. > I’m afraid it might cost me a lot to go to the hospital.

    It really doesn’t. My family’s most expensive hospital visit in Japan was roughly 250K – and that was for a laparoscopic gall bladder removal, along with a few days of recuperation. Would have been half that if it didn’t span over the end of a month (medical expenses per calendar month are capped).

  4. Years ago in Osaka I used to date a Japanese girl who regularly called the ambulance for panic attacks.

    I’m not advising you to do so, just letting you know that it is sometimes done here.

  5. No matter how much it will feel like it, a panic attack can not kill you, or even do any harm.

    My best tip is to never run away from it, or the situation that induces it. Only way to get over it is to desensitise yourself from it.

  6. Yes, I have called it for someone else who didn’t recover from a panic attack within 15 minutes and they were kind about it, but it’s a lot of trouble. Expect to pay around 10,000 for the exams they will invariably make you do in the hospital just to make sure it’s not something somatic. For 2 minutes you could probably wait it out.

    Either way, better to see a psychiatrist and get treatment as it could become fairly debilitating.

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