Anyone is receiving shit tons of right-wing propaganda from YouTube recently?

The right wing propaganda ads are getting crazy on YouTube these days.
I mean it always have been, but before it was mostly questionable political conspiracy about 統一教会 and whatnot behind the congress. Some of them are blatantly laughable but it gets only as far as borderline historical revisionist.

But this shit is keep getting weirder, I just saw a new one accusing “Chinese, American and European guys come to Japan for brothel tour and will be taking your wives and kids for free while you stand back and watch”

I mean what the fuck is this shit? I know we are not much welcomed here but how the hell is this not considered as an advocate for hate crime?

  1. I am not getting any of those, but find this quite interesting. Do you have any link to one of those videos?

  2. I do get those sometimes, but not the brothel one. I sometimes wonder who makes this stuff. Like, they seem to use pretty terrible equipment (cellphones…?) and amateur narrators to make these ads. Small business owner ojisans with nothing better to do with their money?

  3. Damn meanwhile I only have ads for “”””miracle””” weight loss shakes and hair removal stuff

  4. I have been getting similar ads for years although they’re never that extreme. These ads play out right before videos and are usually skippable.

    I don’t watch political commentary but I do watch a lot of news worldwide. Even just a little bit of your watch history and language preference can give advertisers and video makers a lot of clue of who you are.

    I use VPN quite often so that is one way to not to be bothered by them.

  5. I used to live in Japan. I miss it tbh. I know not everyone is welcoming but I’ve luckily had great experiences. It’s actually really interesting to see as the one from the outside looking in as that sentiment I think exists in. A lot of places. American here.

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