At an English conversation school but have a job offer from elsewhere. Can I give my month notice and leave?

I have the engineer/humanities visa and I’ve only been here for about 4 months. The eikaiwa isn’t bad but I got an offer that has much greater long term potential.

I think it’ll be ok as long as I inform the local city hall, right? And I’ll do the month notice.

  1. You don’t need to notify city hall, immigration would be good to mention it to though, as when you provide new paperwork to extend/get a new visa when your current one expires you’ll also show you’re working somewhere new, can save a little hassle as they say you’re meant to notify them.

  2. Check your contract, but minimum is two weeks. No need to tell city hall, unless you’re changing your home address for the new job.

    You’ll need to contact immigration to tell them you changed employer.

    Does the new job require the same kind of visa? If not, you’ll have to process the new visa status before you begin the new job.

  3. What kind of contract do you have? Is it fixed term (like 1 year, renewable) or is it “seisyain” as in non fixed term?

    If the former, since you’re in the first year, legally they can set up the rules of leaving (1 2 3 momnths before hand). If the latter, it’s 2 weeks legally, but 1 months is better if you don’t wanna burn bridges.

  4. Month notice is probably fine. Two weeks and your being kind enough.

    Good luck with the next gig

  5. I did some research on this before.. companies don’t sue workers for leaving early so don’t worry about it…

  6. Depends on what you signed and if the owner is a petty person, unfortunately

    A lot of places sneak in awful clauses. You can try giving 2 weeks notice and see how they react, and if that doesn’t go well be prepared to discuss what you signed and negotiate from there

    In my personal experience a month is generous, so offering 2 weeks and “settling” on a month if they behave badly may be a better strategy for you. That way they feel like they got something, or you might get off easy and not have to stick around

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