Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (November 17, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. I wrote the first line of my birthday card, does it make sense? Reminder that I am still super super super beginner, just trying to use sentence structure and vocab words the best.

    お誕生日おめでとう。 そんなに私たち話さないのに、にとって、最高さいこうな1日にちになりますように.

    (Happy Birthday. Even though we do not talk much, I still hope you have a happy day.)

    I’m aware I used “best day ever” instead of happy day, but does it still make sense? Thank you!

  2. I read this and I was wondering:

    > 地面から手が伸びて引き込まれるとか?

    Is this hand coming out of the ground a “thing” in Japanese or is the author making something up? Like is this a common image?

  3. I was wondering about this:

    > 僕らからすると大きいけど、モンスターとして小型に分類されるね

    Particularly the first part, 僕らからすると大きいけど makes no sense to me. “If we do it from us, it’s big but, this monster is classified as a small type”

    I’m sure I misunderstood though. I guess I expect すると to be some kind of conditional thing, but I can’t see how that applies here.

    For context, some small cats are going on a quest to fight some monster. The monster isn’t that big, but compared to the cats, it’s bigger than them.

  4. [There are 2 sentences which are hard for my JP level , hope someone can explain their meanings to me .](https://cdn.hinative.com/attached_images/1071803/6cd66d6e73bfb5e856d1f54c4b4ec79010d69458/large.png?1668629470)

    **Context: The King is talking with his royal retainers/ officials, after the Prince has been imprisoned due to the fact that he had failed to assassinate the King. Now the King is living inside a cat’s body (because 1 Royal Knight saved him from the Prince’s assassination ,by transfers the King’s soul into a cat )**

    Retainer 1「あの、王子は大丈夫なんでしょうか」

    King (now he’s a cat)「そのような心配は無用だ。もはや、王子でもなんでもない」


    **King「緊張感をもって毅然と事にあたれ!」 (>> this I don’t understand much, I can only guess : “Keep a serious attitude and determination while working !” ? )**

    Retainer 1「は、はい……」

    **Retainer 2「(姿のせいでイマイチ緊張感が……)」(>>also this because the author has omitted a part of this sentence with “….” , my guess : “It’s due to his appearance, we can’t quite focus…” )**

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