Cheap and effective ways to learn Japanese

I’ll be moving to Japan next month. I need to learn Japanese asap.
I have studied before, but it’s been almost 2 years I left japan. I think I have N3 but I wanna achieve N1

  1. you’re probably not going from n3 to n1 in a month but i would say just grind the shit out of some anki deck

  2. is an awesome site I use for vocab. Crank out a shit ton of vocab since you already have familiarity with the language.

  3. first, congrats on your move!!


    * The cheap way: take a mock exam for N3, N2 and N1( free to get online)
    * The effective way: take a mock exam for N3, N2, and N1 (way more reliable than guessing)


    im not saying taking the mock exam is necessarily going to directly “teach” you anything, but I’m certain you couldn‘t possibly “learn” much things without a thorough and honest self-diagnosis.

    If a girl say to you, ”I think I’m a nine but I want to be a ten”, I bet your first reaction would be “at least please give me a picture.” How else could you possibly tell? if you want us to give advice based on a simple guess, then would you want your doctor to write a prescription without a proper diagnosis?

    similarly, I would presume the best way for anyone here to help you cannot be done without some more information beyond just guessing. Normally when people say they are at N3 they are actually much closer to N2 at least 🙂 especially sounds like you’ve been there before.

    the steps I’d take if I were you: take mock exams for all three levels, and tally up the points for each section. 1) you’ll know which level you’re currently in 2) you’ll know which area of focus for the next stage. Some people can be N1 otherwise and only N3 at listening, etc.

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