I think my university is using a BS JLPT scale?

Hi guys. need to pass the jlpt to clear my language requirement at school and am doing japanese cause I already like it and study it. but on a scale of 4 this is their “N4” requirements.

Testing Level 4

Level 4 is designed for students who have had 150 hours of instruction in elementary grammar, kanji (approximately 100 characters); have a vocabulary of approximately 800 words; can converse at a very elementary level; can read and write simple or short sentences; and have finished the first half of an Elementary Japanese course/text.

this seems like n5? Am I crazy?

  1. That would be the very end of N5. If you’re at that level (I.e.: you’ve had those hours and so on), you’d start N4 study.

  2. That’s the requirements of the old JLPT test where N4 was the lowest level. Nowadays like others have said that’d get you to around N5 on the current system.

  3. This sounds like pre-requisites to me. So the question is, are these the pre-requisites for completing the N4 course? Or for **starting** the N4 course? If these are the pre-reqs for **starting** the course, then it’s probably correct. Because those sound like what you should have completed after studying for the N5.

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