Japan Permanent Residence Application Name Change Question

Hello, I have a general question about section 15 on the Application for Permanent Residence and I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with this and could elaborate.

Section 15 asks about “Past entry into/departure from Japan with nationality/region, name and date of birth different from above-mentioned.” I’m wondering what happens if you list a previous/maiden name here. Do they just use it to search your past entry/departure records to make sure there were no issues or will they also document your previous/maiden name on your future PR information even if that’s not on your current passport?

It makes me wonder, theoretically, if you did enter/exit the country in the past with different information (and a different passport number) would they even be able to tell? I’m also curious what would happen if someone forgot to disclose details like this on the application and they find out during/after the application process. Would they just ask for clarification or outright deny the application? Would this be grounds to revoke PR status?

Looking to do everything correctly but just wondering what they’ll do with this information! Thank you!

1 comment
  1. They want to check your records in case, for example, you have been banned from reentering Japan under a previous name. If you lie to them, they might not necessarily find out (especially if you also use passports from different countries), but if they find out, they’re fully empowered to strip you of any residency status you might have, order you to leave the country, and ban you from coming back, all this after detaining you for as long as they feel like. Given the risk/reward equation here, I think it’s pretty clear you should just be honest with them.

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