Vietnamese trainees call out unpaid illegal overtime at Japan firm

Vietnamese trainees call out unpaid illegal overtime at Japan firm

  1. Most Japanese worker don’t call it out, hopefully this will make Japanese workers more brave so they can.

  2. they come to japan, complain, meanwhile the japanese people have endured it since birth. if their not happy why not just go back? genius concept ik

  3. Japan is a farce when it comes to overtime. My wife works 14 hour days accumulating illegal amounts of overtime even as a full time employee. To “combat” this the company enforces madatory reduction of overtime by logging pc hours and implementing a timecard system. But the company refuses to hire anyone to help my wife because she surely isn’t doing her work fast enough (despite working at the company in excess of 15 years). So she ends up making all kinds of excuses like “oh, my pc didn’t shut down properly” etc. because at her age finding a new job in Japan is nearly impossible as this is a very age discrimination country. So companies abusing the workers by not compensating for overtime, yet paying a million a month rent for a place in Ginza doesn’t suprise me, but it does disgust me.

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