GTEC teaching and practices

Good morning r/teachinginjapan, I had a question about the GTEC. I am an ALT at a SHS, and I have been tasked with the following: In one week, teach as much of GTEC Basic speaking test as I can. I have about 50 minutes, and I feel that 10-15 minutes per part (there are 4 parts) just isn’t enough. I wanted to do one part per week (the JTE said that the test isn’t until the 20th) but they want me to do as much as possible before the break. Personally, I think that this is a bad idea, as they will forget a lot over the break, but I also agree that the two weeks before (one class per grade is a christmas movie class, so relaxing) they should practice as much as they can.

My question is this: How do you teach the GTEC, and how would you go about this? I have some ideas, but more input would be helpful.

Thank you in advance!

1 comment
  1. In your question, you say they want you to teach the GTEC speaking, but then go on to say you have to teach 4 parts in 50 minutes. Which is it? Are you teaching all of GTEC or just the speaking test?

    They don’t want you to teach actual content. A month is impossible for that, anyway. They want you to give a general orientation so that students know what to expect, and then give them as many ‘tips’ and structures you can to maximize their score with minimal actual knowledge. They want cheats and outlines to make their level seem higher than it is for the 15 minutes the speaking test takes. If you have to teach other parts, the same holds. Give them the general layout of the exam and (if you are familiar with GTEC) all the little tricks specific to GTEC’s question style and knowledge expectations.

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