Needing ideas to earn some extra money

Hey, using a throwaway for this because I’m not super comfortable talking about it.

I won’t go into too much detail but my wife and I had a child about a year and a half ago. My wife started acting a bit strange a couple of months after the birth and went through the wringer with postpartum depression, anxiety and psychosis. With the treatment for that and loss of an income earner, things have become quite hard.

We have the help of my wife’s family but our savings are quickly disappearing. Along with my regular job I picked up a lot of seasonal part time jobs during the spring, summer and fall but that’s all dried up now.

What I’m really asking for though is any positive leads on work I can do for some extra money. I see a lot of jobs for online work but many look like a scam. I live in a small town in the north so there’s not a lot of opportunities for extra income at the moment.

Any ideas or suggestions of legitimate online work would be really appreciated.

Thank you.

  1. I’ve looked into this. English teaching is going to be the easiest.

    If you have the skills, freelance anything. Translation, programming, anything that involves a computer will require good Japanese and some tech skills

  2. Won’t get you rich but you could register as a tester on user testing platforms on the internet. Each session you’ll be paid for requires you to interact with some App or website during a couple of minutes. You can do that during the nights as a side gig.

  3. Qualifications? Lately, people are working up to 5 full-time remote jobs. Might be something worth looking into — see how it is working two first.

  4. Can you get to a US military base? You don’t have to be a citizen for a lot of jobs and with the conversion rate right now being paid in dollars is a HUGE bonus.

  5. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through that and I hope things improve soon.

    English teaching, especially teaching kids, is likely the best option to earn some bucks in a rural area.

    Online work is also an option, there are a **lot** of remote work jobs out there and if you’re on a spouse visa or have PR, you can work for anyone anywhere. What’s your skill set?

    Also, have you looked into help from the city/town/prefecture? There are caps on medical costs and often support is available to reduce them further. If you can cut down on the money going out you might not need to work more.

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