Need advice on getting Orbital Decompression surgery in Tokyo

Hi everyone,

I’m considering to get orbital decompression surgery to reduce the appearance of my bulging eyes.

I found this clinic in Tokyo which seems to specialize in that surgery and they seem to have good reviews:

I already went there and have consultation and so far so great, they explained the procedures and the risks associated with it clearly. The only issue is when it comes to pricing and who does the surgery:

* First option is to have their chief surgeon do the surgery. It costs about 1.6million yen.
* The second option is to have their other surgeon do the surgery. It costs about 600k yen.

I tried to ask the difference but couldn’t really get a good answer other than the chief surgeon is “more skilled” and “can work faster”

Now I don’t have 1.6 million yen lying around, so if I’m going to have the chief surgeon do it then I have to wait a year or something to save up money however I really really want to get this surgery done as soon as possible as it is affecting my life a lot.

On the other side, I don’t want to cheap out and then lose my eyesight (although they did assure me it never happened in their clinic)

I don’t know how much difference the surgeon’s skill can affect the result.

I hope someone here can give me an advice or could share their opinion.

Is it safe to go with the cheaper option or should I save up and have their chief surgeon do the surgery?

Thank you.

PS. Sorry if this question does not belong in this sub. Please delete it if it’s not.

  1. Have you tried complaining about eye pain/etc to your doctor and see if you can get it covered as a necessary procedure instead of a cosmetic one?

  2. Ask them about a payment plan. Spreading it out over 2 years will make it seem negligible.

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