Pre-paid card, yay or nay?

I’m going to Korea for a weekish in January and I’m not looking forward to having to carry around a load of cash everywhere. I have a local prefecture only bank account and getting a debit card means doing backflips and somersaults which I don’t have the time and/or energy for. Im planning on getting a Sony bank account or JP Post soon but I’m not sure it’ll be ready on time. (still waiting for my MyNumber card – I’m new to Japan).

Anyway my point is, does anyone have experience and/or suggestions for prepaid or temporary cards to use in Korea, I have found an option with the Gaica card but I’m not sure how that works. If all else fails i’ll stick with carrying cash but last resort would be that.

1 comment
  1. Just get a metro card in Korea and charge it? I remember using it like a SUICA in stores.

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