Does です come from abbreviating でございます?

I’ve wondered this for awhile, if the “normal polite” copula です was actually originally a shortening of the more formal でございます? It doesn’t really matter in terms of practical use, just curious.

  1. Yes and no

    It is a shortening of であります

    でございます is a more polite version of であります

  2. There actually are multiple theories, it’s not known what the actual origin is. Some candidates are であります、でございます、でおはす、and で候. (Source for these: Daijisen)

    People like to think of it as a short form of であります because it fills a similar role, but that’s only true in modern Japanese. In the past it had a similar role as でございます too, and before the Meiji era it was only used with very specific people (e.g. prostitutes for some time). It’s not really known when or how it appeared first.

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