

  1. Japanese is one of the more difficult common use languages to learn for this reason, but is it *far* from the hardest. You want to see a written language that is hard to read? Try Tibetan. A written language so difficult that it is the reason its’ speaker have such a high illiteracy rate. The YouTube channel Nativelang discusses this, along with a bunch of other language geek stuff. It even goes into some depth on *why* Japanese has three separate character sets

  2. “JapANese neEds kAnJi To BE rEaDAble”
    … no, it shouldn’t be impossible to create a simpler writing system.

  3. “Lel Japanese is so quirky having 3 alphabets, I just can’t figure it out at all! They should get rid of the katakanis and kyanjis.”

    -Every person lower than N5.

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