Finished RTK 1 a couple days ago, should I still be actively reviewing it.

After finishing the 2200 Kanji from RTK, I’ve gained the ability to distinguish kanji quite well when I see them in the wild or in my vocabulary deck, at this point it feels quite unnecessary to review all the cards daily. Should I just freeze the deck and focus solely on vocab?

  1. I still review kanji even though it’s been almost a year since I’ve finished learning them. It’s definitely useful because I continue forgetting some of them. Consequently, I’d mix up some similarly looking words. Continuing to repeat kanji helps to clear up misunderstandings and better understand vocabulary in general. As for the time commitment, I now spend only 1-2 minutes a day repeating kanji compared to 2 hours spent on vocab, so there’s really no downside.

  2. Congratulations! now, set aside the RTK itself, and come back to it on demand, only when you learn new words and don’t remember the mnemonic. This is a little secret that I wish I had known myself. There is no need to mature the RTK

    It’s been 2 years since I finished RTK, and there are kanjis that I’ve never seen in the wild, so I’m pretty sure I’ve forgot some of them. But it’s no problem to be this way, since it’s pretty fast task to review et voila

    In fact, sometimes I wonder if it would be possible to do RTK from zero only on demand. So to speak, learn the mnemonic of the kanji you are interested, and then the components that stays behind it like a russian doll. But well, I don’t overthink too much, because I don’t have a backtime machine to test on myself. But if was about to start the journey of japanese and know what I know now, I would considerate

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