High School Trips

Are all the school trips to Kyoto, or it depends on the region? For example, Hokkaido Schools also go to Kyoto? And if so, do they go by train, plane or what?

Thanks in advance.

  1. I went to Yatomi Koukou, just outside of Nagoya when I was an exchange student in Japan. Our school had a 2 week trip to Okinawa.

    Of course, I was an exchange student and not a Japanese citizen so the staff at Yatomi highschool decided that I was an insurance liability or something and I got to stay behind to clean the whole school with a bucket of dirty water and an old rag.
    After the first day of this, I told them to kick rocks and I just wandered around Sakae all day.
    I mean, it sucks not being able to go on the field trip to Okinawa but having the consolation prize: “be acting janitor for 2 weeks” felt like an insult.

  2. When I was an exchange student my school went on trips depending on the year you were in. I went on a “trip” to Mt. Sanbe which besides the day we went hiking was really just normal school in a different building. The second years stayed at school, and the third years went to an amusement park in Hiroshima.

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