Credit card delivery failed due to no mynumber card

Hello everyone,
My credit card arrived but the delivery man was adamant about having my name is katakana in driving license or mynumber card. I’m new to Japan, just been a month so I just have cash card with my katakana name. I have an health insurance card which has different katakana character in my name. He has refused the delivery of that card. What should be done in such case?


Your replies will be helpful. TIA. 🙂

  1. Why does your health insurance card have a different katakana name? You should be able to get that changed at your ward office.

    I would advise using the same name across various services and agencies. It’ll save you from significant grief and inconvenience over your time here.

  2. Either use 100% alphabet on the credit card application (full with might work).

    Or use the same katakana as your insurance card

    Or update your insurance card

    Or get your MyNumber card.

    Or all of the above

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