Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are AFAIK the first Gen to feature Kanji with Furigana as its 日本語 option!

I started it tonight as a low intermediate learner (self-taught, self assessed, take with a mountain of grains of salt) The furigana alongside the very simple vocabulary makes it very accessible. The one exception being the few instances of auto-forwarding dialogue.

It has the potential to be an amazing resource for learners looking for accessible content.

In case you’re wondering, I’m team クワッス!

  1. That’s pretty cool. BDSP has all hiragana and normal Japanese as options, but not normal Japanese with furigana last I checked.

  2. ホゲータ is the best but we can call a truce if you agree that パモ is cute. I like his little barks.

  3. I’m currently playing Link’s Awakening with the furigana enabled. It’s such a great thing to have fun while learning Japanese!

  4. Not Pokémon, but both DS Zelda games (夢幻の砂時計 & 大地の汽笛) had a cool feature where pressing on the kanji would pop up some Furigana for reading. Very handy little learning feature

  5. If memory serves, S&M had that feature, but I may be misremembering with it offering just standard Japanese with no ruby text.

    I would check, but I don’t know where my 3DS is, and I don’t really want to start a new game all that much if I did, yknow?

  6. Didn’t Arceus have furigana as well? It might only be for some kanji though, I don’t remember and I don’t feel like pulling up my Japanese save file atm

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