Useful phrases for attending a wedding reception in Japan?

Aside from the obvious「ご結婚おめでとうございます」for the newly wedded, have you got any other phrases that it might be useful to have stashed fresh in my head for a wedding reception I’m attending later today.

My boyfriend is attending one of his close friend’s wedding ceremony today and I’ve been invited to join for the reception afterwards. The reception is going to be more informal at a nearby izakaya. I have met one of his friends and their girlfriend, who will be there, but haven’t met most of his other friends including the friend who just got married. I was such an awkward ball of messy Japanese last time I met one of his friends and whilst my Japanese has improved a little bit since then, I wanna be able to try joining in a little more this time.

I’m studying Japanese at intermediate level but if I’m honest the Japanese I can use off the top of my head (without preparation) is typically significantly more limited. So packing some ready to use phrases in my arsenal for later can only help. My boyfriend can speak perfect English and obviously can help me communicate but I don’t want to have to make him a translator all evening for me 😅

I’ll let you guys know if I manage to use anything you suggest 😂👍

TY in advance 😊

  1. トイレはどこにありますか、

  2. I don’t think you need any more formal stuff than hajimemashite at the izakaya plus the congratulations for the married couple. The post reception izakaya hang is where they let their hair down, for the bride quite literally, and the famished couple finally gets to eat something. Don’t hug anyone. They will appreciate any attempt at conversation in broken Japanese as well. And just ignore the statistically possible a-hole in attendance. You’ll be fine and it will be fun.

  3. “この度はおめでとうございます”. You say that to the person at the reception desk when handing them the envelope with the money gift. The reception desk for that is usually staffed by friends of the newlyweds.

    Though this might actually not be a thing at an Izakaya, so you probably won’t need it at all.

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