Middle name causing issues with switching mobile companies

When I came to Japan last year, I contracted a SIM with Mobal. In order to do so, I had to input my name from my passport. My home country’s passport has fields for First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name but Mobal only asks for First and Last so that’s what I put.

This week, I tried to contract with Ahamo online and got rejected for MNP because my contractor name with Mobal (First Name, Last Name) does not match my residence card name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name). However, I did submit my home country’s passport as a supplementary document which clearly states my names.

I’m planning to go to Docomo this week to attempt the switch again and try to explain the whole middle name thing to them in person, but I’m asking ahead if anyone has experienced this? Will the middle name cause an issue even in a physical store?

  1. I have a middle name, always used one. Never had an issue. In most cases, your second name is included in your first name. For example

    Last: Smith First: John Benjamin


    Last:Smith first: JohnBenjamin

    Maybe that’s why you’re having trouble.

  2. I had the same issue for switching from ijjmio to ahamo. I gave up on transferring my phone number and opened a new one while cancelling iijmio by myself.

  3. What does your health insurance card have on it? If that’s in katakana (as it should be; everything will become easier if so), change your name on your current contract to that spelling, and then use that as ID when you change carriers.

    If you don’t have any official documents with your katakana name on them, go to city hall and register yours. Use only your family name and given name, with no middle names. *Much* better to go in this direction than to start *adding* middle names to anything.

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