I’m very confused about the interview process

I applied for a school in japan and the interview went very well(I think). They never told me I got the job but they also never said I was in a certain stage of the application process. After my first interview I’m now going to be speaking with a teacher at the school. In the mean time they gave me a handbook and videos of the school. Do you guys think this is a good sign?? I’m just not sure whether to get my hopes up or if this is a formality.

  1. Usually meeting the boss is a formality. However, if you’re in a time crunch for another job and really need to find out more, why not send a polite email asking them about when a final decision will be reached? Employers already expect that most applicants are pursuing multiple opportunities, so you won’t come across as unprofessional.

    Some employers are shady, so you definitely want to confirm the details, although it’s not hugely urgent. After the big boss interview, if they say you have the job, they should also send you a “notice of appointment” or similar official paperwork not long after that. If you wait for a few weeks and don’t get that paperwork, be warned, and consider what you’ll do if they flake out.

  2. Do not assume you got the job. One time I passed the first meeting and I was set up with the head teacher for the second meeting. It all boiled down to if I didn’t sleep with her I wouldn’t get the job. Before you ask, she was an obese hideous sex-starved chick from Tasmania.

  3. Having just been through multiple interviews, you don’t have a job until they offer you a contract. You seem like a strong candidate though, so well done! I would send another email and thank them for all the information they sent and for having the opportunity to speaking to an employee at the school and that you look forward to having a follow-up conversation.

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