Career advice

I have been here in Japan for a year and since I only wanted to be in Osaka. I decided to work at a preschool as an English teacher. P.s I’m from the Uk.

I have a masters degree in event management and marketing. And bachelor degree in law. I don’t have any publication except my dissertation which I did and got a distinction for it.

If I intend to stay in japan in the long run, shall I get a teaching license to teach at a private school ? Is another MA TEFL masters worth it ? And can I do it online or in Japan or back in the Uk ?

How can I progress further in my career here ?

  1. You need to really think about why you would want to teach. Don’t teach just to have a job. That’s a disservice to your students and their futures.

    Be a teacher because you want to teach. Being able to do so in Japan should be the cherry on top by the base reason you’re teaching.

  2. Firstly is “Do I want to continue teaching” , Second is “how good is my Japanese.”

    If the answer to your first question is yes, then get the MA in TEFL. It will open a lot of doors to places like universities where you can continue your educational career. I personally don’t think question 2 would matter much to a university, but you can always practice. It might matter though. I don’t know. T_T

    if the answer to question 1 is “no”, then move to question 2 and it has more of an impact. if your Japanese is N1 or N2, then you could get a marketing job in Osaka, that would be more suitied to your current Masters. study up a bit in Law and you could work for a buisness as a law consultant. If its less than that, It could be hard to stay in Japan with a decent paying job.

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