3 Japanese schools to introduce genderless swimsuits with unisex two-piece design

3 Japanese schools to introduce genderless swimsuits with unisex two-piece design


  1. Finally we are returning to Victorian era swimsuits. The liberalization going on in the 70s and 80s was absolutely outrageous.

  2. Good! As a female I still hate how revealing women’s swimsuits are, I can’t wear them even now because they make me feel so uncomfortable (not shaming anyone who does like showing skin btw, more power to you!). When I taught in Japan I always felt so sorry for kids who might be self conscious being forced to wear something so revealing in front of their classmates. I would have been absolutely mortified. These look like they cover a lot more so hopefully kids who are self conscious can learn without feeling uncomfortable.

  3. Good. Focus on the swimming!

    I’ve always thought the stereotypical “schoolgirl swimsuit” (and uniform in general…) is way too sexualised because of porn, god knows why most schools still use it

  4. Long sleeves for sun protection? It’s a nice addition to protect the kids.

    I like the design. Nice color.

  5. This is great!

    I’m a guy and one of my hands is deformed, no big deal, but I also am missing a pectoral on one side. From about thirteen I was constantly trying to hide not having a pectoral every time I went swimming. This would have solved that. I hope this makes at least one boys life a little easier.

  6. Won’t this design cause drag? Swimsuits are made to be hydrodynamic. This looks more like leisurely swimming than competitive swimming.

    Otherwise I like the idea.

  7. Needs remembering here…the speedos and revealing one pieces you see in anime haven’t been the norm for decades.

    Do correct me if there’s been some schools hanging onto them, its not like its something I take a creepy interest in, but I recall discussing this with some Japanese folks once and I recall one saying just their big sister, who is now well over 40, actually wore the ‘classic’ school swimsuit.

    More responsive; the entire concept of schools having official uniform swimming suits….now thats weird and outdated fundamentally. Weird to go down the route of just making them gender neutral. Have no Japanese schools just got rid of the idea of having mandatory uniform for this?

  8. Looks like the rashies and boardies we wore back in Australia, but in school uniform colours. Good sun safety, but if you want interesting designs and patterns, you should import from Australia.

  9. Oh no. Everyone has to wear the same uniform. Who’d have thought that we could live in a world with matching uniforms. How dare schools try to help reduce bullying, self-consciousness, sexualisation of minors… Won’t someone think of the people who really want to see some nice tight shorts on young legs!? /s

  10. I love this idea. But long sleeves? I see this a lot now with swim suits. The last thing I want to wear in a pool is long sleeves. Especially outdoors in the summer months. Gimme short sleeves please! But love the rest.

  11. These look so nice. Makes everyone look like a cool surfer. And good sun protection.

  12. we’ve always had these type of swimsuits in the philippines. glad to see it in japan!

  13. And like all unisex clothes the fit will end up being absolutely horrible for most kids, yay.

  14. When my son started elementary 5 years ago, they were just starting to okay rash guards. So he’s been wearing something like these 2 piece swimsuits already (albeit tighter trunks). But it’s great that girls have the same option too.

  15. Yes finally some long sleeves. Now they don’t have the experience the crap I went through with my arms being darker than the rest of my body

  16. > The swimsuits range in price from 6,380 yen to 6,820 yen (SRP, including tax), and come in 10 sizes from 120 cm to 4L.

    God damn, for some swimwear?

  17. This is completely irrelevant to the point of the article but is it just me or are those models’ legs photoshopped on? The girl on the right has legs massively tanned compared to her face and hands. Her face looks like a typical Japanese girl living in the city/suburbs but her legs are the skin tone of a farmer working out in the field all day or someone from Okinawa/southern Kagoshima islands out swimming all day. It’s kinda hilarious.

  18. I’ve heard that swimming is mandatory in schools only in Japan, is this true?

  19. This thread have an intense “i live in the basement away from the sun and I only know Japan from anime” energy. Because I tell you what, long sleeves in the summer sun is fuckin’ torture. If you care about how sexy teenagers will look like to predators, I dunno what to say, I really don’t.

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