Salary Issues

I am struggling to really figure out how to get ahead with my current salary. Currently I make Â¥240,000 a month and don’t seem to have much left over after rent car fees are taken out. It is pretty upsetting. I had little over $1k USD left after everything and with other bills like petrol, gas, electricity, water, and groceries… it doesn’t feel like there is much left for living afterwards. It is really disheartening.

I live in Okayama and there really isn’t much to the city, and I am at a loss as to what I could do to improve my money situation.

I could really use the extra money, I have a lot of other bills and debts to pay too.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I am struggling and pretty sad about it.

Thank you.

  1. You had 140,000 left out of a 240,000 salary? This month? But that doesn’t include all of our necessities?

    This is the most confusing budget post I’ve ever seen.

    Anyway you seem to be experiencing what is described as “living paycheck to paycheck,” which is completely normal. Not ideal or desirable, but definitely common.

  2. You probably need to get some skills that let you transition into an industry that pays better than the one you are in. If you are in the English biz, then you need to expand your education and qualifications if you want to get a decent paying job,

  3. No offence but what are you expecting? Your total pay is only $1700 so to keep more than half sounds great. Or are you saying you spend 40% of your pay just on rent and a car? If so, that’s probably about right. The days of paying off student loans back home died with the yen losing 30% of its value.

    Go back home and get a better paying job would be the obvious one honestly.

  4. Idk your slillset but you should think about what you can do as a side hustle. As long as it’s within your visa category you’ll be fine.

  5. Wages in Japan are dogshit. I was earning more (320,000) in 1991 doing factory work than most ET’s today. Welcome to the LDP elite’s serf paradise. Worst thing you can do is waste your youth getting boiled like a frog. Either skill up or get out.

  6. Spend less on candle- Uhh… I mean… Is there any way you could not rent the car and instead use public transport?

    Unless that is 100% needed, you could save up a good chunk there. Okayama had a metro system if I remember properly…? But no idea, haven’t lived there.

  7. Man, you really need to provide a bit more info.

    I’m assuming Y240,000 is your take-home pay.

    I’m also assuming that you have about Y100,000 left after rent, car, fees (what fees?).

    Honestly, Y100,000 should be more than sufficient for one person living alone.

    I assume you’re single, and living in a small apartment, so rent & utilities shouldn’t be horrible. Groceries should also be fairly cheap – we’re a family of four, we’re all big eaters, and we like good food, and we spend around Y80,000 a month.

    Obvious question: Why the hell do you need a car?? I’m guessing you don’t *need* a car – you’re single, you’re broke and you have debt as well? Sell the damn car, like yesterday. Japan’s public transport is great.

    Second – You don’t have a costs problem, you have an income problem. Do overtime, get a part-time gig somewhere, teach English, anything – but you need to figure out how to either work more or get paid more. Only YOU can do that.

    List up all your costs and be ruthless about what you can cut. No cable; you can get by just fine with standard TV and Netflix. No internet, you can in fact tether just fine from your phone. That’s a start. Rest is up to you.

  8. If a rental car is taking literally half of your salary then… stop renting the car. That’s insane. I had to read this a couple of time because I misread it the first time and thought you had 1k usd left over after all your rent/utilities and I was wondering what the issue was.

  9. You’re going to have to give more details on your monthly budget. Without that we can’t help. It’s very likely you’re living over your mean or you’re overspending on something. 240kÂ¥ for one person should be enough

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