Hey everyone 👋 I’m adding Japanese to my language learning RPG, Newcomer. What do you think?

Link: [https://streamable.com/h5ph1p](https://streamable.com/h5ph1p)

I’ve been told I should add a Furigana, so that’s something I’m looking into. I’m open to other suggestions to making this a great learning resource. I’m not sure if Japanese will be in the base game, but it would certainly be the first language expansion.

1 comment
  1. I hope you do add Japanese! Looks like a really fun idea! I feel iffy with how you translate particles and copulas but in a way there’s no much you can really do about it in the case of だ/です. Is/am/are/ect. I mean, copulas are confusing for English speakers since ours are only marked as copulas in context, and we don’t have any copula specific words. For example, is and look are both copulas. ‘Sam looks scary” and “sam is a boy” but are also other types such as is the linking verb and look the normal verb in “Sam is looking at bob.’ but I.

    I would almost only translate actual words like Nouns, adjectives and verbs, and have maybe the player just get the particles and stuff added to it without their input? Similar to how you have は and を already attached to those parts.
    Maybe add a particle and conjugation Dictionary? Idk I just feel like they need more explanation then anything you could quickly translate.

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