looking for good place to learn particles

I’m learning through Duolingo and practising by talking with a couple of fairly fluent speakers, but I’m quickly noticing my distinct lack of accuracy when it comes to particle use.

So I’m hoping someone could point me in the direction of a good resource for learning and practicing them. Duolingo has been great for learning words, phrases, katakana and hiragana. But I’m 12 units in and the app has yet to really explain the difference between wa, ga, wo etc and when is appropriate to use them.

Articles, videos, apps etc anything is fine.

  1. Cure Dolly has good explanations of grammar. If you’re speaking to people, I imagine you’re good enough to consume media? Reading should help too

  2. This book is all you need:

    All About Particles: A Handbook of Japanese Function Words by Naoko Chino

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