Has anyone chosen to live in a Share House?

Specifically any previous JETs who chose a share house when given the option to decide on their own accommodation?
Wondering if there might be potential reservations from schools due to COVID risk.
I’m guessing this question is probably only relevant to JETs in larger cities.

  1. Hello! Tokyo JET here living in a share house. My school actually liked the fact that I chose this instead of the suggested apartments by RELO (outside of Tokyo) because it is pretty close to my school. When a resident here got covid, we were informed by the house manager right away. As soon as I got that email, I forwarded it to my supervisor who then asked me to stay at home too for 2 weeks as part of the quarantine.

  2. I don’t have experience in a share house during COVID but I lived in one for a year post JET while I was job hunting/starting my job. They have there good and not so good points, as you’d imagine. Obviously sharing the space with other people does present some COVID risk, but you’re also going to be in school everyday so you’re already going to be around and interacting with a lot of people.

    I liked not having to worry about multiple bills, and the price was decent. I didn’t cook much so not having sole access to the kitchen didn’t bother me, but when I did need it, it was much nicer than an apartment kitchen. Not having to clean the bathrooms or other common spaces (except for your own mess) was nice. And it was a good opportunity to meet people.

    On the other hand, if you are looking for solitude or want to have a little more space its going to be tougher. One year was about perfect for me, after that I was ready to upgrade to my own space. I think it’ll depend on your personality and location whether its a good fit or not, but worth considering!

  3. I’ve been around people that have. COVID risk would be maybe the last thing I’d worry about there.

    But to be fair, if you are young and fairly socially competent sharehouses can be good fun. It’s a lot like college dorms, your experience is going to very much hinge on whether or not you get along with your dorm mates and are on the same wavelength for stuff like parties noise cleanliness and the like.

    All in all I’d not say I can recommend a sharehouse but if you want to have a cheaper place to stay initially when you are brand new to the country it’s probably not a bad idea. If I was young again and doing it over again I’d probably stay in one for 3-6 months and then .over onto an actual apartment somewhere.

  4. A shared house presents no extra risks. Packed trains, thousands of pedestrians, sitting at work and interacting with the dirty children you’ll teach will present more than enough risk, a shared house is a piss in the ocean.

  5. I live in a share house in Tokyo. There was never any issue with my school. I also liked that it comes fully furnished and everything just works when you get there. No hassle with water, gas, electricity, etc when arriving.

  6. Y’all are a better man than I. After a long day of being crowded with people, I sure as heck am not about to be in a crowded share house. 😂

  7. Incoming JET here waiting on a placement but it’s something I’d actually look into because I don’t like living alone, I never got that ‘college dorm experience’ and I would want to use it as an opportunity to meet new people

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