Japanese books you recommend?

So basically I’m asking you guys for book recommendations exclusively in Japanese.
Saikin I started to read more in Japanese thanks to N4/N3 knowledge and Yomichan and found an incredible website that works as a chemistry course. It’s very simple and I’m amazed of myself understanding chemistry in Japanese and now I want to take a bigger step and buy a book in Japanese. This kind of makes sense because after summer (southern hemisphere) I’m going into my last year of highschool and I plan going to college in Japan so Chemistry/Physics are subjects that I really like and will be important.
I also like history and poetry (I bought some books in my language about Tanka and Haiku)

  1. You want to read books about chemistry or physics?

    I program, but I don’t know Japanese programming terms. What I did was bought an “intro to programming” book, but in Japanese.

    Anyway the point is, you could try and find an intro to chemistry book in Japanese, but N3 or N4 might be kinda rough.

    You could page through it and try to translate just some of it though. For instance, you could skip the discussions and translate the diagrams. That would be a good way to learn some chem terms without needing super-advanced Japanese.

  2. There are two books that I really want to read. 五輪書 which is in classical Japanese written by 宮本武藏. 自然農法 わら一本の革命 written by 福岡 正信. The latter book has an English translation with the title “One Straw Revolution”. It is about a plant pathologist who quit his job and went back to his father’s farm to become a natural farmer. It is not only a real life story, but a book about how we can grow food naturally without using any chemicals. It is also related to his personal philosophy of life and how humans are related to nature. I don’t think I will ever be able to understand the Book of Five Ring completely, even though I know all the Chinese characters used in that book and classical Japanese is closer to classical Chinese. But I will still try.

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