How to get institutionalized for suicidal ideation?

Mental health tanked during covid and suicidal ideation increases monthly. Recently find myself going up to the roof and getting dangerously close to going over. Need intervention. Do I call the police?

  1. Tokyo English LifeLine:

    They’re great, and you can chat with them right from the site.

    I hope you get the help you need – this post is definitively a step in the right direction. Cheers!

  2. Do the cops even care here? I ended up doing hybrid therapy online with a provider in the states. Then self-medicate with CBD gummies and vape pen. Doing a whole lot better than the hole I was in before. Whatever you’re going through is a temporary issue that doesn’t require a permanent solution. Try a few things out before choosing to go off the deep end.

  3. You smile three times every day. Live for those times. Things do get better and they do get worse but those times you do laugh can be magical.

    I am a shit listener if you want to talk but I am good in a bar fight.

    *Screw all these people down voting me. Call me up and lets do something stupid. Bad decisions make the best memories. Don’t give up. Fight for every day, every minute and second. I can’t say you won’t have bad times but I can absolutely guarantee you will have good times as well.

  4. Tell, as biwook mentioned, should probably be your first stop. CBT helped me deal with some things long-term so you may wish to look into that. Best of luck!

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