Reviewing some old vocabulary and as practice trying to build short sentences using them. Thought might as well post a few here. Would be awesome and much appreciated if some could correct my sentences (just parts of it would be still great.)

The used vocabulary is in bold. In brackets I have the intended meaning (aka what I meant to say). Would be super awesome if someone could correct them and see if my usages of the words in general are correct. And even if you correct “just” parts of it that would still be great.



彼はケーキの**お代わ**りがあった。(He had a second helping of cake)

ピザの**お代わり**があるはいいですか。(Can I have a second helping of Pizza)


みんな様の助けの**お礼**を申し上げましたい。(I’d like to say thank you for all your help).

彼は兄にパソコンを直してくれて**お礼**と言いました。(He thanked his brother for fixing his computer).


店員さんは違い**お釣り**をくれてしまいました。(The clerk gave me the wrong change)

レジの中に**お釣り**は足りない。(There is not enough change in the cash register).


財布を見つけられない。電車で**スリ**に盗まれたかな。(I can’t find my wallet. I wonder if it was stolen by a pickpocket on the train)

この辺は**スリ**が多い。気を付けてください。(There are many pickpockets in this area. Please be careful) 。


このスマホは大きすぎて、**不便**です。(This smartphone is too big and inconvinient)

このナイフの使用はとっても**不便**です。(The usage of this knive is very inconvinient)


こんな沢山犬の**世話**をするのは大変だと信じる。( I believe it is hard to look after so many dogs)

お祭りに言っている間に、誰かが赤ちゃんの**世話**をしなければなりません。(Someone needs to look after the baby while we are at the festival).


彼の日本語は**なかなか**良いです。(His Japanese is quite good)

私たちの家は**なかなか**小さいです。(Our house is pretty small)


明日の話題はなかなか難しいから、よく**予習**してください。(Tomorrow’s topic is quite hard so please prepare well for it)

彼は決して**予習**しないでも、点数はいい。(Even though he never prepares for class, his notes are good.)


料理の**仕方**を知りませんか。(Don’t you know how to cook?)

車の運転の**仕方**を決して学ばなかった。(I never learned how to drive a car.)


山田さん**以外**全員は黒い背広を着ていました。(Expect for Mr. Yamada, everyone was wearing black suits)

その通りで運転しながら、霧**以外**を見えなかった。(While I was driving on that street I could see nothing but fog.)

1 comment
  1. One big thing with the first examples- using ある is incorrect for what you’re trying to say. While it can translate to “have”, it means “have” in the sense of something existing. So you would use ある in a sentence like “there was a second serving of cake” (ケーキのお代わりがあった), it is equivalent to “to be” in English. For the “have” in your sentences, you want to use “have” meaning “to receive”, or more specifically in this case, “to eat”. So using 食べる will correct these sentences.

    Also, for asking permission you need to put the verb in the te-form first. So instead of 「食べるもいい」it would be 「食べてもいい」.

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