How to get vapes with nicotine

i just moved here from the states and i brought a few disposables with me. they are running out and if anyone has any advice on how to get vapes, or know any credible websites.

  1. three ways:

    1. import your own e-liquid, cheapest are usually from malaysian/thai sites, max is 120ml per month
    2. import nic salt / freebase solution and mix it with 0mg juice bought here
    3. substitute vapes with Japanese alternatives like ploom tech

    Actual nicotine e-juice is banned in Japan due to lobbies from Japan Tobacco. The only way how is to import.

    used to do 3 until I committed and now do a mix of 1 and 2

  2. Get a sub-ohm vape from any vape store, and the flavour liquid of your choice in Japan. Then buy nicotine from a foreign country online. One site I have successfully ordered nicotine shots from is VapeClub (UK). I also heard nicbase can deliver to Japan and they do stronger nicotine concentrations, however it also seems like a more shady company (they don’t list their business address).

    Don’t order more than 120ml of liquid at a time online.

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