13 Day Honeymoon – April 2023 – Kyoto, Naoshima, and Nature – First timers

We’re in the early stages of planning for our 13 day honeymoon **April 5-17**, 2023. We know we’ll be there during a busy time, so first we’d like to make some decisions about where we’ll be, then we’ll fill in details about exactly what we want to see! This is certainly just a first draft.

We have 3 itinerary options we’re considering (left info about our interests/ travel preferences at the bottom of the post) and are trying to figure out **what combination/ pacing makes the most sense**:

1. Kyoto, Kumano Kodo/ Nakasendo, Naoshima, Hakone/Tokyo
2. Kyoto, Naoshima, Kurazawa/Nagano
3. Kyoto, Naoshima, Hakone/Tokyo, Nagano

**OPTION 1: Kyoto, Kumano Kodo/ Nakasendo, Naoshima, Hakone/Tokyo**

* Day 1 – Arrive at Kansai airport
* Day 2-5 – Stay in Kyoto, do day trip to Nara, potentially stay in a nice ryokan to relax for a bit
* Day 6-7 – Either Kumano Kodo trails (2 days of hiking, staying at a ryokan halfway through) OR Nakasendo (1 day hiking, 1 day relaxing/ potentially 2 days hiking)
* Day 8 – Osaka (may or may not need this day in Osaka before going to Naoshima)
* Day 9-11 – Naoshima + Teshima
* Day 12 – Hakone (Fuji) OR we could finish our trip with a day in Tokyo
* Day 13 – Fly out of Tokyo

**OPTION 2: Kyoto, Naoshima, Kurazawa/Nagano**

* Day 1 – Arrive at Kansai airport
* Day 2-5 – Stay in Kyoto, do day trip to Nara, potentially stay in a nice ryokan to relax for a bit
* Day 6-8 – Naoshima + Teshima
* Day 9 – Osaka (may or may not need this day in Osaka before going to Kurazawa)
* Day 10 – Kurazawa
* Day 11-12 – Nagano area
* Day 13 – Fly out of Tokyo

*For this option, I’m unsure about how feasible it is to get to both Kurazawa and Nagano in 3 days – it looks like there isn’t really a direct route between them so transport will take a while. Could just go directly to Nagano and spend 3 days there.*

**OPTION 3: Kyoto, Naoshima, Hakone/Tokyo, Nagano**

* Day 1 – Arrive at Kansai airport
* Day 2-5 – Stay in Kyoto, do day trip to Nara, potentially stay in a nice ryokan to relax for a bit
* Day 6-8 – Naoshima + Teshima
* Day 9- Hakone (Fuji) OR spend a day in Tokyo (?)
* Day 10-12 – Nagano area
* Day 13 – Fly out of Tokyo

*Between Option 2+3, wondering if it makes more sense to get to Nagano through Tokyo, or through Osaka, when we’re coming from Naoshima. Or if neither of these make sense in the time we have, maybe we go with Option 1!*

**DETAILS** about what we’re looking for:

* Our general interests while traveling in Japan: Tea, sake, food (adventurous eaters), crafts/ design, art/theater, architecture, history, hiking, onsen, birdwatching.
* We’d like a combination of city and nature. We’re ok counting Kyoto / Osaka as cities and not spending much time in Tokyo for this trip. We intend to come back someday 🙂
* We’re experienced hikers, but not very experienced hiking in snow.
* We’re considering one or two of three “retreat” areas right now: Kumano Kodo or Nakasendo, Alps (Nagano, etc.), or Hakone (Fuji). Can’t decide which one and want to consider the weather/ cherry blossom season (and transportation) in our selection. Or if there’s something that makes more sense to pair with Kyoto/ Naoshima let us know!
* Happy to make stops just for an interesting onsen / ryokan/ temple stay experience. We’re planning on taking it somewhat slow for our honeymoon, as we’re leaving right after our wedding.
* This is our fist time to Japan. Neither of us speak Japanese, but we intend to get pocket wifi, or something like that, to help.
* Haven’t figured out the train details yet but we intend to take public transportation.
* We’re ok flying in and out of two different cities. Prices weren’t significantly different for us.

We welcome any thoughts you have about these possible itineraries! Or things that we’re missing! Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Unless you have already booked your airline tickets – I would strongly suggest skipping Tokyo entirely and both entering and leaving via KIX, because otherwise you are risking missing most of the sakura season entirely.

    You could replace Hakone in your plans with Kinosaki Onsen along with visit to Amanohashidate. You could also extend your Arts Islands part and visit Takamatsu (Ritsurin) or Okayama (Korakuen) for great gardens or eg. Kotohira for that historical smalltown feel.

    Also, if you are flexible with your plans, you may visit Mt. Yoshino as a day trip (famous cherry blossom destination) and combine it with some hiking in the area.

    There are plenty of historical areas in Kansai aside from Kyoto – castles in Himeji or Hikone, old towns in Omi-Hachiman, ninja schools in Iga-Ueno and Koka, temple hikes around Tokyo (Kurama to Kibune and Mt. Hiei, Mt. Shosha in Himeji).

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