What pairs (if any) of English words that have been adopted in Japanese and that are homophones in both languages?

Homophones in English that are also homophones in Japanese.

  1. there’s an interesting play on a homophone across english and japanese that might be relevant today given how it’s a popular twitter hashtag and twitter is melting down

    during the #metoo movement, there were issues going on in japan, which also has a ton of sexist social problems, and among those issues famously were that some japanese companies literally forced their female employees to wear high heels (and glasses sometimes, too) because it made them sexier. yes, really

    so 靴=くつ=shoe became a rallying cry for japanese feminists

    in japanese, to japanese folks, つ sounds like “too”, so ***kutsu*** became ***kutoo*** in order to mirror the ***metoo*** movement


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