Mercari not letting me transfer money into my bank account

Mercari is not letting me transfer money into my bank account from the app. It keeps saying this message:

ご登録の本人情報と口座名義が一致しませ ん。 本人情報の氏名フリガナと口座名義 は、全角カタカナで空白 (スペース) を詰め て入力してください。 (E010002)

I have tried entering my name various times in full width and with no spaces.

What gives?

Has anyone had any issues?

I have tried JP bank and other banks… still can’t transfer.

  1. Your name on your mercari account (kana reading) must exactly match your bank account. If, for example, the presence/lack of a middle name is causing it to fail, you can contact customer support and they can usually make things right.

  2. I had this problem previously and it’s solved by verifying your identity (with a my number card) inside Mercari. It should work after you’re verified.

  3. Perhaps you should verify how exactly your bank stores your name. It should be written on your tsūchi, or you can just go to your bank branch and confirm yourself.

    That said, Mercari is notorious for not accepting names if they’re written in Roman letters and I called them before about that. They essentially just sent me away and told it can’t be helped, too bad I’m a foreigner. Resolved it by transferring to someone’s else account.

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