‘We must change’: Japan’s morning-after pill debate

‘We must change’: Japan’s morning-after pill debate


  1. If only there was really a debate about this

    Like we are still at the proposition of thinking of creating a expert group for the promulgation of a national conference, or something around that

  2. >Abortion rights are just as restrictive, campaigners say, with consent required from a male partner

    Are these the same activists that contacted the Guardian a week ago to have an article written on the same topic? Why do they omit the part where the health ministry said this only applies to married couples and that in reality even then there are a myriad ways of getting it done without having to get consent from your partner? Other than the usual forgery of a signature, maternal health reasons can be given and one the easiest way of bypassing the consent clause entirely with most doctors not caring about whether it is actually true or not that you cannot have a child. Abortion in Japan as many other things de jure is illegal but as it has been said elsewhere in practice it works like an on demand system. In 2019 the country had a total of 156,430 abortions done. Culturally there is largely no organized religious opposition to that apart from some small Christian minorities.

  3. “‘We’ must change” – mainly westerners who want Japan (or insert x country here) to be like their own. Yes the population is split on the issue but to pretend that the grand majority of Japanese, women included, have issue with the current abortion system is disingenuous at best and malicious at worst. Not every country has to be America or Europe.

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